It looks like the Bill Cosby trial will continue for at least another day. Over the course of five days, the jury has deliberated for nearly 52 hours and has yet to reach a verdict. During that time, the jury has asked a total of 12 questions “of the court during deliberations, essentially asking to hear the evidence for a second time.” By continually asking questions, one can’t help but wonder if the jury will “remain deadlocked and unable to reach a unanimous verdict on any of the three counts of aggravated indecent assault that Cosby faces.”
It looks like the Bill Cosby trial will continue for at least another day. Over the course of five days, the jury has deliberated for nearly 52 hours and has yet to reach a verdict. During that time, the jury has asked a total of 12 questions “of the court during deliberations, essentially asking to hear the evidence for a second time.” By continually asking questions, one can’t help but wonder if the jury will “remain deadlocked and unable to reach a unanimous verdict on any of the three counts of aggravated indecent assault that Cosby faces.”
For those who don’t know, the proceedings involve “Cosby’s alleged sexual assault of a woman named Andrea Constand, in 2004.” According to USA Today, “Cosby is being tried on three counts of aggravated indecent assault stemming from an encounter with Constand at his nearby home in 2004. She says he drugged her to the point of near-paralysis and then assaulted her as she lay helpless on a couch.” Constand first reported the alleged assault in January 2005, but the case was dismissed by a Montgomery County district attorney soon after. As a result, Constand filed a civil suit against Cosby, which was settled for an undisclosed amount in 2006.

So if it was settled, why is the current trial going on? Well, not long ago, comedian Hannibal Buress told audience members during one of his shows to “Google accusations of rape against Cosby—prompting Cosby to deny the allegations again.” From there, “a U.S. district judge unsealed part of Cosby’s deposition in the civil case, writing, in his decision, that the deposition offered a stark contrast to Cosby’s identity as a public moralist.” How so? Well, in the deposition, “Cosby admitted that he used to procure quaaludes specifically to give to women whom he wanted to have sex with.” It wasn’t long before 35 women stepped forward, accusing the comedian of sexual assault, prompting the trial taking place right now.
In response to the drawn-out trial, Judge Steven O’Neill told the 12 jurors, “We’ve been at this now for 10 days (including testimony). There has been nothing but a supreme effort on your part. Go through your routines, which have probably become very habitualized at this point,” and then said he would see them early Saturday morning for more deliberations.
When leaving the courthouse, Cosby addressed the crowds outside, saying, “I just want to wish all of the fathers a Happy Father’s Day and I want to thank all of the jury for their long days, their honest work individually.” He added, “I also want to thank the supporters who’ve been here and please to the supporters, stay calm, do not argue with people, just keep up the great support. Thank you all. Thank you.”
Bill Cosby’s Trial Begins, With the World Barging In
Bill Cosby jury still deliberating after 52 hours, back Saturday
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